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Roslund Harris
As a MOTHER, Roslund Harris has a strong passion for family. Roslund, a COMMUNITY MEMBER with over 20 years of volunteer service is also a BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL who is willing and available to serve. Roslund Harris is a Democrat that will work with EVERYONE to ensure ALL Kent County residents can live a life full of quality and opportunity.
About Roslund Harris
Roslund Harris has over 27 years in the Health Insurance Industry. As a Business Development Manager, she leads in Process Improvement, Operations Management, and Quality Assurance utilizing the skills that makes her a true leader. Roslund Harris graduated Magna Cum Laude from Ferris State University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Care Systems Administration. Roslund Harris earned her Associate of Applied Science from Davenport University along with her Six Sigma Green Belt from Lawrence Technological University.
Roslund Harris is a 20 year resident of Gaines Township and cares for her community as a People First Advocate for Domestic Violence and Elder Abuse. Roslund is an Advisory Board Member, (Strategic Al Certificate Program) at Cornerstone University and a former member of UAW Local 2145 with a tenure of 10 years.

my priorities
Seniors & Veterans
Roslund Harris is committed to enhancing services for seniors and veterans, ensuring they receive the healthcare, support, and respect they deserve for their invaluable contributions to our community and country.
Mental Health
Roslund Harris prioritizes mental health, ensuring access to quality services for all residents. She advocates for comprehensive care, support networks, and community programs to promote mental well-being and resilience in Kent County.
Parks & Recreation
Roslund Harris is dedicated to enhancing Kent County's parks and recreation, ensuring accessible, well-maintained green spaces and recreational facilities for all residents to enjoy and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Fair Courts
Roslund Harris advocates for fair courts to ensure justice and equality for all, promoting transparency, accountability, and impartiality within the judicial system to protect the rights of every Kent County resident.
Clean Water and Sewer
Roslund Harris prioritizes access to clean water and efficient sewer systems, ensuring safe, reliable services for all Kent County residents to protect health and promote environmental sustainability.
Animal Shelter
Roslund Harris is committed to supporting Kent County's animal shelter, ensuring animals receive proper care, protection, and a chance for adoption into loving homes.
Support for Farmers
Roslund Harris is committed to supporting farmers by advocating for sustainable agriculture, providing access to resources, and ensuring fair market opportunities, strengthening the backbone of Kent County’s rural economy and community.